Should we be worried about the Hubble telescope status update coming on June 4?

A metallic-wrapped spacecraft in space, which looks black, above Earth.

We’ll get an update on NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope tomorrow (June 4), and it could be a pretty big deal. On June 3, the agency announced that the Hubble Space Telescope team will hold a press conference about the observatory’s status tomorrow at 4 p.m. EDT (2000 GMT). Specifically, officials said the purpose of this … Read more

Sharper Than Ever – Io’s Volcanic Surfaces Revealed by New Telescope Technology


Jupiter’s moon Io, imaged by SHARK-VIS on January 10, 2024. This is the highest-resolution image of Io ever taken by an Earth-based telescope. The image combines three spectral bands—infrared, red, and yellow—to highlight the reddish ring around Pele volcano (below and to the right of the moon’s center) and the white ring around Pillan Patera, … Read more