New Earth-sized planet discovered orbiting star that will live for 100 billion years


An international team has discovered an Earth-sized planet orbiting a long-lived red dwarf, providing unique insights into potentially habitable worlds. Credit: Researchers using robotic global telescopes discovered an Earth-sized planet, SPECULOOS-3 b, orbiting an ultracool red dwarf inside Milky Way. This planet, tidally locked and likely lacking an atmosphere due to intense radiation, offers … Read more

See a Russian inspector satellite approach an orbiting spacecraft

a bright white dot approaches another bright white dot as background stars zoom by at high speed

A Russian military satellite called Luch-2 was found making a close approach to a geostationary satellite last month, a maneuver that follows in the footsteps of its predecessor that was found eavesdropping on other nations’ satellites on multiple occasions since 2014. Aldoria, a French startup that tracks satellites in orbit using a network of ground-based … Read more